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Robin (e/em)

Voiced by: Alex Welch (they/she)

About: Only child of the knight Lamorak, Robin's family was killed in a fire when e was young. Robin has been surviving in the forest ever since.


Marian (she/her)

Voiced by: Danielle Shemaiah (she/her)

About: Marian, daughter of another knight, was Robin's oldest friend. When Robin's family was killed, Marian turned her eyes to new prospects in the hopes of finding a life that would soothe the pain of losing her best friend.


John (he/him & she/her)

Voiced by: Cole Burkhardt (he/him)

About: John encountered Robin when e was a young teenager stealing from travelers near the river. When Robin demanded payment so John could pass, John gave em a thorough beating and then assumed the role of surrogate parent.


Will (he/him)

Voiced by: Ezra Wayne (he/him)

About: Will, the apprentice blacksmith, knew he was gay for a while before he finally ran away from home. When a risky nighttime tryst turned sour, he grabbed the closest horse and ran into the woods. Now a horse thief, he knew he could never go home.


Allan (he/him)

Voiced by: Josh Rubino (he/him)

About: Allan is a bard always in search of a new story to tell. He has a flair for the dramatic and finds that the more dangerous the encounter, the better the tips when he sings about it later. In an effort to write the greatest ballad yet, he wandered into Sherwood Forest in the hopes that Robin would take the bait.


The Sheriff (he/him)

Voiced by: Sebastian Crane (he/him)

About: The Sheriff of Nottingham has one goal: to earn a title from the King. This led to him enacting a war on crime and poverty, despite the fact that it only ends up hurting his own people.


Friar Tuck (he/him)

Voiced by: David Hanna (he/him)

About: Friar Tuck has always believed in people. While providing services in that small town outside the forest, he saw all manner of desperate faces who were one disaster away from cracking. But in spite of that, Tuck still believes that people are truly good. 



Including the voices of: Danyelle Ellet, Anne Baird 


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